Kids Need... Focus | What’s happening in Dallas

Kids Need... Focus

by Sensei Matt Dorsey of Martial Arts America




Kids today have so things that distract them when they need to focus.  Playing a video game is more interesting and fun than doing math homework, but parents can't let the video games take over.  It's important for all children to learn how to focus on the task at hand, whether it's homework, reading, or home-learning online.

Engaging the body in physical activities is one of the best ways to train a child's mind to focus. Playing a musical instrument, engaging in a sport. or doing a physical hands-on project are excellent examples of forging a mind-body connection that increases focus.

Martial arts training - karate, jujitsu, judo - has helped many children improve their ability to focus.  Martial arts students must: 

  • Listen carefully to their sensei (teacher)
  • Try the moves slowly and carefully
  • Increase their speed and energy
  • Put the moves into action (safely) with their partner


Students learn that the focus they put in gives them great results in the end. That focus carries over to school and other activities.  If you think your child would benefit from developing more focus, contact your local martial arts school and find out what they offer.  It might just be the right activity for your child.




Sensei Matt Dorsey is the owner and head instructor of Martial Arts America.

He’s been training in martial arts for over 45 years and holds a 9th degree black belt in Isshin ryu karate, as well as a 2nd degree black belt in Iaido (Samurai sword) and a 1st degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do.  He also has experience in jujitsu, kali, tai chi and other martial arts. 

His passion for teaching children and adults led him to open his first dojo in 1980 and he’s been a professional martial arts teacher (including teaching our publisher, Debra Ross!) ever since.

This article is part of a series. Follow the links to read Sensei Matt's articles on goals and self-esteem.








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