Review of the Geronimo Stilton App from KidsOutAndAbout
by Anne Siller
When I reach into my bag for my phone and can’t find it, I rarely have to look far. Even money says one of my boys (one is 6, the other is 7) has it. Invariably, I find one of them hunched over it, thumbs a-flying, playing a game. The most recent object of their digital desire? Geronimo Stilton, a new game app available on ITunes from Scholastic.
Who will love the Geronimo Stilton app?
We are fans of Geronimo Stilton. In fact, he is our favorite mouse! He is a star of the much-loved series of books published by Scholastic. Geronimo is an adventurous, erudite character, editor of the Rodent’s Gazette. He travels the world solving mysteries and soaking in the history of each place as he goes.
The game app allows users to create their own mouse avatar, a chance to fill out their own passport, write an article about their adventures in their own newspaper feature and take photos as well. There is also an insanely addictive submarine game, in which one can navigate the underwater seascape, collecting points as you go. That one is definitely a favorite.…
Why do Moms like the Geronimo Stilton App?
Like the books, the game app offers entertainment and a bit more.
The Geronimo Stilton stories always include facts about the historic places he visits on his travels. It’s a little history or geography lesson hidden in each engaging chapter. The game is similar. There is a geography lesson to be had in the matching game, a chance to write for the Rodent Gazette, and did I mention the insanely addictive submarine game?
What happens next?
This all has the bonus of a little brand recognition that leads to... reading!
My boys play the game, they like the mouse, they see his little rodent face on a library book and –shazam!- we are leaving the library with a stack of Geronimo Stilton Adventures. I am all for a game that is a hook to a book.
Download the app on ITunes, or just search for the app in the App Store on your phone. As of this writing, it's only $1.99. Small price to pay for an electronic widget that entices my adventurous boys to snuggle in with a book.
And now, I have to figure out how to get my phone back….
© 2014,
Anne Siller is editor of for Westchester County, CT.