SHEN YUN 2022 in Houston June 3-5 | What’s happening in Dallas

SHEN YUN 2022 in Houston June 3-5

*The event has already taken place on this date: Sun, 06/05/2022
Shen Yun Performing Arts: EXPERIENCE The Beauty of Ancient China Before Communism

Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.

EXPERIENCE The Beauty of Ancient China Before Communism

SHEN YUN’S unique artistic vision expands theatrical experience into a multi-dimensional, deeply moving journey. Featuring one of the world’s most ancient and richest dance systems—classical Chinese dance—along with dynamic animated backdrops and all-original orchestral works, Shen Yun opens a portal to a civilization of enchanting beauty and enlightening wisdom.

Shen Yun Performing Arts is a nonprofit organization based in New York. Its mission is to revive 5,000 years of traditional Chinese culture. Traditional Chinese culture—with its deep spiritual roots and profoundly optimistic worldview—was displaced by communism in China. While Shen Yun cannot perform in China today, it is sharing this precious heritage with the world.


 “Absolutely the greatest of the great! There is no word to describe it... If I had to, the words might be ‘divine,’ ‘reborn’ and ‘hope’. You have to see it to believe it.”

—Christine Walevska, master cellist


“This is the best I have ever seen. It was so uplifting. It spoke to everything that is good in this world.”

—Glen Duncan, Grammy Award-winning musician


“Shen Yun brought something most needed in this world—hope: hope for a better world, hope for a better future, hope for a better life.”

—Jesse Miranda, producer


“It makes you dream of a heavenly world. It's really a balsam, a salve for the soul. It's something that really restores you, regenerates you."

—Filippa Giordano, famous Italian-Mexican Singer


“Seeing this gives me endless energy, will power. Incredible!”

—L. Shenkar, Grammy Award-winning composer


“There was something pure and bright and very dignified about them. The show gave me a real sense of goodness and meaning in life.”

—Anna Liceica, soloist with the American Ballet Theatre


“The spirit of hope, beauty and the blessing is a fabulous gift to us. I want to go again! I have to bring friends. I have to bring as many people as I can.”

—Sine McKenna, award-winning singer


“I was filled with hope… The cares of the world were shed from my shoulders, I was uplifted… The world is a better place because of Shen Yun.”

—Richard Swett, former U.S. Congressman


“It’s one of the happiest evenings of my life. All my cares just disappeared, and I became one hundred percent positive-thinking. It’s the best I’ve ever seen.”

—Nancy Brock, former actress, associate producer

*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


Jones Hall for the Performing Arts
615 Louisiana St.
Houston, TX, 77002
United States
Contact name: 
Stacey Zhang
Email address: 
The event has already taken place on this date: 